Academic Grievances & Appeals

Ensuring Academic Integrity and Fairness at TUOS

At The University of Ontological Science, we value intellectual rigor, academic integrity, and fair treatment of all community members. We recognize that disagreements and concerns may arise in the pursuit of knowledge and scholarly excellence. The academic grievance and appeal processes are designed to provide fair, transparent, and respectful resolution of academic disputes, ensuring that all members of our community have the opportunity to be heard while upholding the standards that define our academic mission.

Types of Academic Grievances and Appeals

TUOS provides structured processes for addressing various academic concerns:

Grade Appeals

For disputes regarding the evaluation of academic performance and assignment of final course grades. This process ensures that students have the opportunity to challenge any perceived discrepancies in grading, ensuring that the final grades reflect an accurate and fair assessment of their work. It allows for transparency and accountability in grading decisions, offering students a formal channel to present their concerns. The appeal process is designed to foster fairness and protect the integrity of the academic evaluation system.

Academic Integrity Violations

For appeals of findings and sanctions related to academic dishonesty allegations such as plagiarism, cheating, or fabrication. These violations are serious offenses that undermine the academic community’s commitment to honesty and integrity. The appeal process allows students to present evidence, challenge the findings, and ensure that the sanctions imposed are fair and appropriate given the circumstances. It is crucial to maintain a rigorous academic environment while also ensuring due process for all students involved in such cases.

Academic Dismissal Appeals

For students seeking reconsideration of academic dismissal decisions due to failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress. This process provides students with the opportunity to demonstrate extenuating circumstances that may have affected their academic performance. Students can appeal academic dismissal decisions by presenting evidence of improved academic behavior, personal challenges, or other factors that may justify their reinstatement. The goal is to balance fairness to the student with the university’s commitment to maintaining high academic standards.

Program Admission/Progression Appeals

For disputes regarding decisions about admission to specialized programs or progression within a program of study. Students who believe they have been unfairly denied entry or progress within a program have the right to appeal these decisions. The appeal process ensures that all students are given a fair opportunity to be considered for admission or progression based on their academic achievements, abilities, and potential. This also ensures that the criteria used in decision-making are transparent and aligned with the academic standards of the program.

Policy Exception Requests

For students seeking exceptions to academic policies due to extenuating circumstances or unique situations. This process allows students who face exceptional challenges—such as illness, family emergencies, or other significant life events—to request flexibility in meeting academic requirements. These requests are reviewed on a case-by-case basis to ensure that students are not unduly penalized for circumstances beyond their control, while maintaining the integrity of the academic policies that govern the program.

Academic Accommodation Disputes

For concerns related to the provision or implementation of academic accommodations for students with documented disabilities. This process ensures that students with disabilities have equal access to educational opportunities and that accommodations are provided in a timely and effective manner. Students who feel their accommodations are not being met adequately can appeal decisions and request alternative solutions to ensure their academic success. The university is committed to providing an inclusive learning environment that meets the needs of all students.

Curriculum and Degree Requirement Appeals

For requests to substitute or waive specific course or program requirements. This process allows students to request adjustments to their curriculum or degree requirements based on individual needs, academic background, or unique circumstances. Appeals can be made for substitutions based on previous coursework, professional experience, or personal hardship. The goal is to ensure that all students have the opportunity to complete their academic program in a way that is both challenging and realistic, taking into account their personal academic journey.

Principles Guiding the Grievance and Appeal Process

All academic grievances and appeals at TUOS are handled according to these foundational principles:

  • Good Faith: All parties are expected to engage in the process with honesty, respect, and a genuine commitment to resolution. This principle fosters an environment where all participants can confidently express their views without fear of bias. By committing to good faith, each individual agrees to approach the situation with an open mind, listening attentively to others, and working collaboratively towards a fair resolution that benefits all parties involved. This shared commitment creates a foundation for effective conflict resolution that prioritizes integrity and transparency.

  • Timeliness: Grievances must be initiated within specified timeframes, and the university is committed to prompt resolution. Timely action ensures that issues are addressed without undue delay, preventing prolonged disputes from escalating or causing additional harm. It also allows for faster resolution, enabling all parties to move forward with clarity and peace of mind. Adherence to established deadlines is essential to maintaining the integrity and fairness of the grievance process, ensuring all concerns are considered in a timely manner.

  • Due Process: All parties have the right to present relevant information, receive notice of proceedings, and understand the basis for decisions. Due process guarantees that no individual is denied the opportunity to be heard and that all decisions are made fairly. This principle ensures that each person involved in the grievance process has a clear understanding of the steps being taken, the evidence being considered, and the rationale behind the final decision. By upholding due process, the university demonstrates its commitment to fairness and transparency in all procedures.

  • Confidentiality: Information is shared only with those directly involved in the resolution process. This safeguard ensures that sensitive information remains private and is not disclosed to unauthorized individuals, protecting the dignity and privacy of those involved. Confidentiality encourages open dialogue, as parties feel more comfortable discussing issues knowing their personal or sensitive information will not be revealed. Maintaining confidentiality throughout the grievance process also helps prevent retaliation or harm to those who come forward with concerns.

  • Non-Retaliation: No member of the university community may retaliate against anyone for participating in the grievance process. This principle is essential to creating a safe environment where individuals can voice their concerns without fear of reprisal. Retaliation can undermine the integrity of the grievance process, discourage participation, and potentially harm those involved. By ensuring non-retaliation, the university fosters a culture of accountability, respect, and fairness, where individuals feel empowered to engage in the process without negative consequences.

  • Evidence-Based Resolution: Decisions are based on thorough evaluation of available evidence and relevant university policies. This approach ensures that outcomes are grounded in objective facts rather than subjective opinions or assumptions. A rigorous review of evidence helps to ensure that decisions are just and aligned with institutional policies, promoting fairness and accountability. By emphasizing evidence-based decision-making, the university demonstrates its commitment to transparent and fair outcomes that are consistent with its values and policies.

  • Progressive Resolution: Informal resolution is encouraged before formal processes are initiated. This method promotes open communication and encourages parties to attempt resolving conflicts amicably before resorting to formal procedures. Informal resolution can be less adversarial, helping to preserve relationships and prevent the escalation of disputes. By offering this option, the university encourages a cooperative approach to conflict resolution, allowing individuals to reach mutually beneficial solutions while preserving dignity and respect for all parties involved.

Grade Appeal Process

Grade appeals may be initiated when a student believes a final course grade was assigned in an arbitrary, capricious, or discriminatory manner. Valid grounds for grade appeals include:

  • Mathematical error in grade calculation
  • Grading that deviates from criteria stated in the syllabus
  • Unequal application of grading standards
  • Grading based on factors unrelated to academic performance

Informal Resolution (Required First Step)

  1. Direct Communication: Student must first discuss the concern with the instructor within 10 academic days of grade posting
  2. Clarification: Instructor explains the basis for the grade assignment
  3. Documentation: Student should document the date and outcome of this conversation

Formal Grade Appeal Process

If informal resolution is unsuccessful, the student may initiate a formal appeal:

  1. Department Level Appeal

    • Submit a Grade Appeal Form to the department chair within 5 academic days of the informal resolution attempt
    • Include supporting documentation, syllabus, graded materials, and a clear statement of the basis for appeal
    • Department chair reviews materials, consults with instructor, and issues a written decision within 10 academic days
  2. College Level Appeal (if department level is unsatisfactory)

    • Submit appeal to the college dean within 5 academic days of receiving the department chair’s decision
    • Dean reviews all materials and may convene a faculty review committee
    • Dean issues a written decision within 15 academic days
  3. Final Appeal (in extraordinary circumstances)

    • Submit appeal to the Provost within 5 academic days of the dean’s decision
    • Provost reviews for procedural errors or substantive issues
    • Provost issues final decision within 15 academic days

Note: Deadlines may be extended in cases where documented extenuating circumstances exist.

Academic Integrity Violation Appeals

Students found responsible for academic integrity violations may appeal both the finding of responsibility and/or the imposed sanctions.

Grounds for Appeal

  • Procedural error that significantly impacted the outcome
  • New evidence not reasonably available during the original process
  • Sanctions disproportionate to the violation
  • Clear error in factual findings

Appeal Process

  1. Notification of Violation

    • Student receives written notification of the alleged violation
    • Initial meeting with the instructor and/or Academic Integrity Coordinator
    • Opportunity to respond to the allegation
  2. Initial Resolution

    • If student accepts responsibility, sanctions are determined according to the violation level
    • If student contests the allegation, the case proceeds to a formal review
  3. Formal Review

    • Academic Integrity Committee reviews evidence and conducts a hearing
    • Student presents their case and responds to questions
    • Committee determines responsibility by preponderance of evidence standard
    • Sanctions are determined based on violation level and context
  4. Appeal of Committee Decision

    • Submit the Academic Integrity Appeal Form to the Dean of Academic Affairs within 5 academic days of receiving the committee decision
    • Dean reviews appeal and issues a decision within 10 academic days
    • Dean’s decision is final for Level 1 and 2 violations
  5. Final Appeal for Severe Sanctions

    • For Level 3 violations resulting in suspension or expulsion, a final appeal may be submitted to the Provost
    • Provost issues final decision within 15 academic days

Levels of Violations and Typical Sanctions

Level Examples Typical Sanctions
Level 1 Minor or inadvertent violations such as improper citation or unauthorized collaboration on a minor assignment Educational intervention, resubmission of work, grade reduction on assignment
Level 2 Significant violations such as substantial plagiarism, using unauthorized materials during exams, or repeated Level 1 violations Course failure, academic probation, educational interventions
Level 3 Severe violations such as identity fraud, complete plagiarism of major work, theft of exam materials, or multiple repeated violations Suspension, expulsion, permanent notation on transcript

Academic Dismissal Appeals

Students who have been academically dismissed may appeal for reinstatement if they can demonstrate extraordinary circumstances and a viable plan for academic success.

Appeal Process

  1. Notification

    • Student receives official dismissal notification from the Registrar’s Office
    • Notification includes appeal process information and deadlines
  2. Appeal Submission

    • Complete the Academic Dismissal Appeal Form within 15 days of dismissal notification
    • Submit supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances
    • Provide a detailed Academic Success Plan outlining strategies for improvement
    • Include a personal statement explaining the circumstances and commitment to academic success
  3. Committee Review

    • Academic Standards Committee reviews all appeal materials
    • Committee may request an in-person or virtual interview with the student
    • Decision is rendered within 20 academic days of submission
  4. Decision and Conditions

    • If approved, reinstatement typically includes specific conditions such as:
      • Reduced course load
      • Regular meetings with an academic advisor
      • Participation in academic support programs
      • Minimum term GPA requirements
    • If denied, students must typically remain dismissed for at least one full semester before reapplying
  5. Final Appeal

    • If denied, a final appeal may be submitted to the Provost within 5 academic days
    • Provost’s decision is final and will be communicated within 10 academic days

Policy Exception Requests

Students seeking exceptions to academic policies due to extenuating circumstances follow this process:

  1. Consultation

    • Meet with academic advisor to discuss the policy exception request
    • Review related policies and potential implications
  2. Submission

    • Complete the Policy Exception Request Form
    • Provide supporting documentation of extenuating circumstances
    • Submit a clear explanation of why an exception is warranted
    • Include any relevant supporting statements from faculty or staff
  3. Review

    • The Academic Standards Committee reviews requests monthly
    • Reviews consider precedent, documentation, and educational integrity
    • Decisions are communicated in writing within 10 academic days of the committee meeting
  4. Appeal

    • Denied exceptions may be appealed to the Dean of Academic Affairs
    • Appeals must present new information not previously considered
    • Dean’s decision is final and communicated within 15 academic days

Academic Accommodations Disputes

Disputes regarding academic accommodations follow a specialized resolution process:

  1. Initial Resolution Attempt

    • Student discusses concerns with Accessibility Services Coordinator
    • Coordinator attempts to mediate between student and faculty member
  2. Formal Complaint

    • If unresolved, student submits Accommodation Dispute Form to the Director of Accessibility Services
    • Director reviews documentation and accommodation requirements
    • Decision issued in writing within 5 academic days
  3. Appeal Process

    • Appeals of the Director’s decision submitted to the ADA Compliance Committee
    • Committee reviews case and issues decision within 10 academic days
    • Final appeals to the Provost must be submitted within 5 academic days of committee decision

Note: Students may also file complaints with external agencies such as the Department of Education Office for Civil Rights.

Resources and Support

Advising Support

Academic advisors can help students understand policies, evaluate options, and prepare for the grievance or appeal process.

Schedule an Advising Appointment

Ombuds Office

The University Ombuds provides confidential, impartial guidance on navigating university processes and facilitates informal resolution when possible.

Contact the Ombuds Office

Student Advocacy Center

The Student Advocacy Center offers guidance, support, and representation throughout formal grievance and appeal processes.

Request Advocacy Support

Writing and Documentation Assistance

The University Writing Center can assist with drafting clear, effective statements for appeals and grievances.

Schedule a Writing Consultation

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I appeal a single assignment grade rather than a final course grade?
A: The formal grade appeal process applies only to final course grades. Concerns about individual assignments should be addressed directly with the instructor and, if necessary, the department chair through informal processes.

Q: Will filing a grievance or appeal affect my relationship with my professor or department?
A: TUOS strictly prohibits retaliation against students who exercise their right to file grievances or appeals. Any concerns about potential retaliation should be reported immediately to the Dean of Students Office.

Q: How long do grievance and appeal processes typically take?
A: While timelines vary depending on the complexity of the case and the type of grievance, most processes are completed within 30-45 days of initial submission. Expedited processes are available for time-sensitive situations such as those affecting graduation.

Q: Can I bring someone with me to meetings related to my grievance or appeal?
A: Yes, students may bring an advisor or support person to any formal meetings or hearings related to a grievance or appeal. This person may be a fellow student, faculty member, or staff member, but not an attorney unless the case involves potential criminal charges.

Q: What happens if I miss a deadline for filing an appeal?
A: Deadlines are strictly enforced to ensure timely resolution. However, exceptions may be granted in cases of documented extenuating circumstances that prevented timely filing. Requests for deadline extensions must be submitted in writing as soon as possible.

Contact Information

Office of Academic Affairs – Grievances and Appeals
Administration Building, Room 305
(555) 123-4580

Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Virtual appointments available upon request

Academic Integrity Office
Wisdom Hall, Room 210
(555) 123-4581

Accessibility Services
Harmony Hall, Room 210
(555) 123-4561

Forms and Resources

The University of Ontological Science is committed to maintaining academic standards while ensuring fair treatment of all community members. Our grievance and appeal processes reflect our commitment to both academic integrity and procedural justice. We encourage students to seek informal resolution when possible, but recognize the importance of formal processes when necessary to address legitimate concerns.