The University of Ontological Science (UOS) does not have centralized course requirements for graduate students. Instead, course requirements are determined by individual departments. The Office of Graduate Academic Affairs oversees grading policies, enrollment procedures, and requests for grade changes.
Semester Hours
While UOS does not follow a credit-hour system, full-time graduate students are considered to be carrying at least 12 semester hours of coursework and/or supervised research per semester. Not all of these activities may appear on the transcript.
Transfer Credit
UOS does not allow the transfer of credit from other institutions to fulfill degree requirements. However, Ph.D. students with prior graduate-level coursework may qualify to take the general examination earlier, provided they meet the residence and departmental requirements.
Course Requirements
Departmental guidelines govern specific course requirements. Graduate students should consult with their Departmental Graduate Studies (DGS) advisor for clarification on their program’s expectations.
Incomplete Coursework
Coursework should be completed within the term in which the course is taken. A grade of incomplete is only granted under exceptional circumstances when agreed upon in advance by the instructor and student. Incomplete coursework must be completed by the specified deadline, no later than one year from the start of the course. If the deadline is missed, the incomplete (INC) grade will automatically convert to a failing grade (F).
Guidance on Guests in the Classroom
Attendance in graduate classes is generally restricted to enrolled students. Any additional classroom guests may join only with prior approval from the instructor.
The presence of infants or children is discouraged due to the potential for disruption and safety risks, particularly in laboratory settings. Graduate students should arrange childcare and avoid bringing minor children into classrooms or academic environments to maintain a focused learning atmosphere.
Course Enrollment
Graduate students may enroll in courses throughout their regular program as long as they have completed semester registration and are not listed as in absentia. Students in DCE status are not eligible to enroll in courses. Course selection is done in consultation with the Departmental Graduate Studies (DGS) advisor before the start of each term.
Course Selection Procedure
Graduate students should meet with their DGS or designated advisor to plan and select their courses. Students are encouraged to document their course selections by printing and completing a course enrollment worksheet, which should be signed by both the student and the DGS. Certain departments may have unique procedures for course selection, and students should confirm the process with their program office.
Note for New Students: It is recommended that first-year students meet with their DGS to receive personalized guidance before selecting their courses for the fall term.
Auditing Courses
Graduate students may audit courses with permission from the instructor. There is no limit on the number of audited courses per term, but students must discuss audit requirements with the course instructor. Audit credit will appear on the transcript if the student meets all conditions set by the instructor. Failure to meet these conditions will result in the course being dropped from the academic record.
Proposed Independent Reading Courses
Independent Reading Courses allow graduate students to explore specialized academic interests that may not be covered in regular coursework. These courses are generally available to groups of one to seven students and must be approved by the deputy dean for academic affairs or their designee before the semester begins.
Departments propose reading courses on behalf of students through an electronic submission process, which is managed by program administrators. Cross-registered students from other institutions may join only if a Princeton graduate student is already enrolled. Students in DCE status are not eligible to participate.
Course Enrollment Changes
Graduate students may adjust their course enrollment through the twelfth week of the semester. This includes dropping a course or changing the grading basis (e.g., from graded to pass/fail or audit). All changes should be made via [ENROLLMENT PORTAL] before the deadline. Students are encouraged to consult their DGS or advisor before making changes.
Some programs, such as the School of Public Affairs, set their own deadlines for enrollment adjustments. Students in those programs should follow program-specific guidelines.
Exceptional Enrollment Requests
In certain situations, graduate students may request a non-standard grading option or address course conflicts. These changes require approval from the course instructor and the DGS, indicated by signed approval on a Graduate Student Request for Enrollment Changes form. This form must be submitted in person to the registrar’s office by the standard deadline.
2024–2025 Course Enrollment Schedule
• August 1 – Fall term course enrollment reopens for continuing students
• August 23 – Fall term enrollment begins for new graduate students
• September 3 – First day of fall term courses
• December 5 – Last day for fall term enrollment changes
• December 6 – Spring term course enrollment begins
• January 27 – First day of spring term courses
• April 25 – Last day for spring term enrollment changes
Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
Curricular Practical Training (CPT) offers graduate students an opportunity to gain off-campus work experience directly related to their field of study. Departments must approve CPT participation, and eligible students are enrolled in a program-specific CPT course. For detailed information on CPT opportunities, consult the [International Center] or refer to program-specific guidelines.